
Crossroads in Dresden Germany - 31.11.2011

Dresden, Germany, October 2011

Finally decided to make an archive of my many thousands of pictures on my computer. So, you can imagine the Weasel busy scattering in old files, whiskers covered in virtual dust, from time to time dragging out, with a mine of victory on the face, some “treasures”, prepping them up in Photoshop an posting them.

This out of focus and against the light picture caught my eye and got me thinking that can make something out of it, cause it’s so atmospheric, blurry and yet still has a lot to tell.

Enjoy the Silence

Essing, Germany, June 2012

Wandering through the narrow streets of an, not old, but ancient village, in a hot afternoon and seeing such a corner – who wouldn’t want to sit on that bench, with a good book, just enjoying the shadow, the peacefulness and the wonderful scent of blossoming roses in June?

Portrait Experiment

Dresden, Germany, June 2011

I decided to make this portrait a bit more interesting, with the help of Photoshop. I duplicated the original layer, as a layer mask, changed the saturation settings and “cropped” the girl. I like very much how she came out, in the picture, her style, her face and the angle the picture was taken from, but the background… I like the end result too, as she seems the single one having color, tones, life, in a world of monochrome.